Tenchu Wiki
Ogawara Ninja

An Ogawara Ninja warrior

Ninja, often referred to as Shinobi, represent a clandestine class of individuals characterized by their roles as covert assassins and spies. They typically operate outside the confines of the strict codes of honor that govern the conduct of Samurai. In the case of female practitioners, they are denoted as Kunoichi, and their primary weapon of choice is often the ninjato.

When these enigmatic shadow warriors are assigned to serve as guards within enemy encampments, they consistently exhibit superior combat proficiency compared to ordinary Ronin or Samurai guards. Their training and expertise enable them to function effectively in roles demanding both secrecy and combat prowess, making them formidable adversaries in any encounter.


Ninja, serving as covert agents and mercenaries, are recruited and employed by the conflicting feudal Lords of Japan. Their central responsibilities encompass espionage, acts of sabotage, and guerrilla warfare, occasionally extending to assassination missions. Owing to their distinct and often contrasting codes of honor, ninjas find themselves subject to disdain from the esteemed Samurai class.

Notably, Daimyo Matsunoshin Gohda's Azuma Ninja distinguishes themselves in this landscape by adhering to a set of principles akin to virtue, setting them apart from their peers. Despite this, they maintain a reputation as the most skilled clan within their territory. The Azuma Ninja lead lives fraught with challenges and hardships, their duties encompassing covert confrontations and secret battles, all undertaken with the aim of preventing the escalation of full-scale wars and mitigating further bloodshed. Their existence embodies a selfless commitment to maintaining the fragile peace within their domain.

Clothing and armor[]

The utilization of Ninja Armor is a practice seldom adopted by shinobi, primarily due to its inherent drawbacks. Such armor imposes limitations on mobility and tends to produce unwanted noise, rendering it impractical for most scenarios. Typically, ninjas reserve the use of such armor for preparations leading up to significant battles.

The majority of shinobi warriors opt for attire known as shōzoku, although exceptions exist. Notably, the Ogawara ninjas are observed wearing more standardized shōzoku, whereas individuals like Rikimaru, Ayame, and Tatsumaru prefer customized outfits tailored to their specific needs.

The most proficient scouts among ninjas frequently adopt disguises resembling ordinary civilians, a strategic choice aimed at avoiding suspicion and blending seamlessly into their surroundings. In pursuit of discretion, they often utilize standard farming equipment as improvised weapons, underscoring their adaptability and resourcefulness in fulfilling their missions. This approach allows them to operate covertly and fulfill their objectives with minimal risk of detection.

Tactics and combat[]

The primary objective for ninjas typically revolves around executing a Hissatsu technique on an unsuspecting enemy from behind, often involving blade weapons that lead to decapitation and dismemberment. All shinobi possess proficiency in the art of ninjutsu, specializing in unconventional warfare, guerrilla tactics, and espionage. The essence of this art lies not in seeking outright victory but in prioritizing self-preservation and survival, qualities of paramount importance during their perilous missions. In an optimal infiltration scenario, ninjas aim to evade combat entirely unless it becomes necessary to eliminate a designated assassination target.

A subset of highly skilled ninjas can operate without conventional weapons, relying on the acquisition of on-site tools and the efficient execution of neck snaps to neutralize threats. Ninja also exhibits exceptional proficiency with bows, often appropriating arrows and bows from enemy archers to their advantage.

Ninjas employ a range of specialized tools to facilitate their missions, including the indispensable Grappling Hook, which enables them to scale enemy walls swiftly. Hand Claws serve to cling to ceilings, enhancing their stealth capabilities. In certain instances, Kasugai tools prove invaluable for discreetly scaling stone walls. Additionally, the Tetsubishi, a specialized grappling hook, can be employed offensively to dislodge and pull adversaries towards them. Ninjas are equipped with a diverse arsenal of weaponry and cunning devices, allowing them to adapt and succeed in a wide array of covert operations.

Magic and crafting[]

Among ninja clans, the crafting of various items such as Shuriken, Kunai, Blow Guns, Caltrops, Smoke Bombs, and similar tools is a customary practice. Notably, some of the most skilled shinobi possess the capability to tap into minimal supernatural power, typically facilitated by the enigmatic scrolls of parchment handed down from their esteemed elders. These scrolls are imbued with arcane knowledge and can grant access to extraordinary abilities, often bordering on the mystical.

Legends surrounding the contents of these scrolls encompass a diverse array of supernatural capabilities, including but not limited to invisibility, the capacity to split into multiple bodies, summoning of animals, and mastery over the five classical elements akin to the fabled Dragon Breath spell. However, it's crucial to note that once the scroll is utilized, the user becomes unable to summon such magical powers again. This limitation distinguishes between those who possess these scrolls and the individuals regarded as full-fledged sorcerers who operate without the need for shadowy tactics and covert strikes, relying solely on their mastery of supernatural forces to achieve their objectives.

Enemy Ninja[]

As the game progresses, certain ninja adversaries emerge as recurring guards, typically making their first appearances during the later early stages of gameplay. These ninja foes deviate from the standard mooks and display enhanced combat prowess. They are usually armed with either katanas or a pair of tekko-kagi (metal claws), in addition to carrying shurikens as part of their arsenal.

Compared to samurais, these ninja guards prove to be slightly more formidable opponents. Their distinctive dark-colored standard shōzoku attire provides a measure of camouflage in specific environments, necessitating the player's caution and vigilant monitoring of the Ki Meter to prevent inadvertent encounters.

It's worth noting that some ninja guardsmen may carry Healing Potion flasks, which can be dislodged from their grasp and acquired through precise timing. Additionally, enemy ninjas can be deceived into consuming Poison Rice Balls, a tactic applicable to them as it is with other adversaries. However, it's important to recognize that the knowledge and experience of these common enemy ninjas are somewhat limited when compared to the elite Azuma clan members. Occasionally, more formidable demonic ninjas, such as Jonin Blue and Jonin Red, manifest in the countryside, and they remain susceptible to similar deceptive maneuvers and tricks.

Known Ninja[]
