Tenchu Wiki
Izayoi - Spirit of the Azuma Ninja
This is the ancestral sword, Izayoi, the spirit of the Azuma Ninja.

—Azuma Shiunsai

Izayoi (十六夜) holds a significant role as the ninjato wielded by the Azuma Ninja Master, serving not only as a symbolic representation of the office but also as a deeply important historical artifact for the clan. Beyond its historical significance, Izayoi possesses an air of mystery, attributed to its purported magical durability, occasional elemental enchantments, and other arcane qualities. Over the years, the sword has undergone damage and subsequent reforge, featuring varying ornate Tsubas and Kashiras, further adding to its mystique and evolving nature within the Azuma Ninja legacy.

History and Users[]

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Azuma Ninja Master passes down leadership

The Izayoi, a ninjato revered as an ancestral treasure of the Azuma Ninja, has been handed down through generations of Azuma Ninja Masters, earning profound respect within the clan's heritage. Particularly during the era of conflict with the Burning Dawn, it held a position of great significance among all Azuma Ninja. Initially wielded by Azuma Shiunsai during his tenure as the Master Ninja, in his later years, he chose to use a cane sword instead. The legacy of both the Azuma lineage and the Izayoi was subsequently entrusted to Tatsumaru upon his ascension to the role of Master Ninja. This pivotal moment, marked by Azuma Shiunsai's words, "Today, you replace me... as Master Ninja. May honor guide your hand," signifies the passing of the mantle and the continued legacy of the Izayoi within the Azuma Ninja tradition, as portrayed in Tenchu 2.

Tatsumaru, known for his preference for Azuma taijutsu, commonly carried the Izayoi across his back, reserving its draw for the execution of Hissatsu techniques on unsuspecting adversaries. In encounters with formidable opponents like Azuma Shiunsai and Ayame, he would draw the blade, showcasing versatility by employing it both conventionally and with an unorthodox reverse grip. This adaptive use of the Izayoi highlighted Tatsumaru's mastery of the weapon, allowing him to seamlessly transition between different combat styles based on the nature of the confrontation.

A pivotal moment unfolded as Tatsumaru and Lady Kagami tumbled into the sea following their duel, leading to the assumption of both his fate and that of the clan sword, Izayoi. However, Tatsumaru's unexpected return to the Azuma Ninja Village, now as Seiryu (the Blue Dragon) and one of the four lords of the Burning Dawn, marked a significant twist. In a tragic turn of events, he utilized the Izayoi to deliver a fatal thrust to Azuma Shiunsai, his former master. Subsequently, using the same sword, he inflicted a grievous scar upon Rikimaru's right eye. This marked a symbolic transition for the Izayoi, shifting from slaying its previous master to scarring its future one, embodying the profound impact of Tatsumaru's transformation within the narrative.

In his final moments, Azuma Shiunsai entrusted Rikimaru with the crucial task of recovering the Izayoi. This mission reached its culmination during the Battle of Gohda Harbor, where Tatsumaru met his demise at the hands of the Izayoi. Rikimaru, fulfilling his master's wishes, claimed possession of the sword and wielded it to defeat Lady Kagami, bringing a poignant resolution to the narrative and underscoring the symbolic significance of the Izayoi within the Azuma Ninja legacy.

Throughout its known history, the Izayoi predominantly remained in Rikimaru's possession, with a notable exception. During a rescue mission aimed at saving Princess Kiku from Lord Mei-Oh, a critical situation unfolded. Rikimaru, Ayame, and the princess found themselves trapped due to a cave-in. In a selfless act to ensure the safety of the others, Rikimaru entrusted the Izayoi to Ayame. Displaying immense strength, he singlehandedly lifted the obstructing boulder.

Outside the cave ruins, Ayame, now the last surviving member of the Azuma clan, planted the Izayoi in the snow. This poignant gesture served as a solemn monument to her clan brother, commemorating the sacrifice and valor of Rikimaru in the name of their mission and the Azuma legacy.

A year after his departure, Rikimaru returned and reclaimed the Izayoi, reinstating it as his primary weapon. However, a significant turning point occurred when the sword sustained damage during a battle against Kimaira. Faced with the need for restoration, Rikimaru confronted a pivotal choice regarding the Izayoi's repair.

The option to mend it with the Shichishito's steel emerged, albeit with potential drawbacks. Utilizing the Shichishito's steel posed disadvantages when confronting Tenrai, as it risked draining the sword of its power and introducing the possibility of corruption. Despite these challenges, Rikimaru, through resilience and strategic prowess, emerged victorious in his battle against Tenrai, ensuring the Izayoi's continued legacy in his possession.


The Izayoi, a straight-bladed ninjato, stands out with its slightly longer length compared to the typical ninja swords featured in the Tenchu series. Its distinctive features include a prominent hamon, a square hand guard, and an ornate hilt and grip. Initially accompanied by a sheath adorned with gold inlay against a blue backdrop, the fate of this sheath remains undetermined. It could've been lost along with Tatsumaru and the Fire Demon, as neither Rikimaru nor Ayame is depicted taking it with them. The Izayoi's unique design elements contribute to its visual appeal and its role as a significant symbol within the Azuma Ninja legacy.

One of the unique features of the Izayoi is its supernatural nature, as exemplified in the "Lime Stone Caverns" episode in Tenchu 3. In this particular occurrence, the Izayoi descended from the sky and embedded itself into the ground, emitting supernatural vibrations. Subsequently, it was struck by lightning, leading to Rikimaru's release from a portal. This portrayal aligns with the established practices of the Azuma Ninja, who are known for employing supernatural items and abilities, making the idea of their clan weapon possessing mystical powers plausible.

It's important to note, however, that such extraordinary capabilities are rarely showcased, and the sword itself endured a single known instance of damage, which was swiftly repaired. This exceptional occurrence underscores the Izayoi's unique and mysterious qualities within the narrative.

Beyond its mystical attributes and formidable prowess as an adversary of the Azuma's foes, the Izayoi bears a poignant and tragic history intricately linked to its various masters. Notably, two of its wielders, Azuma Shiunsai and Tatsumaru, faced their demise through thrusts to the chest inflicted by the Izayoi. Furthermore, the sword played a crucial role in marking Rikimaru with his distinctive eye scar, the outcome of a slash from the Izayoi. These interconnected events add layers of complexity and depth to the sword's legacy within the Azuma clan's narrative, imbuing it with a sense of tragedy and the weight of its role in shaping the destinies of those who wielded it.

